The Inner Outer You

The Story of the Smart Mom with 10 Children and 10 Seeds to Share ✨Why Not Working on Your Dreams is Irresponsible and Selfish

Kristiane Charrier Season 1 Episode 9

If you've been procrastinating on your dreams, keeping your ideas in the drawers, playing small by hiding behind thousands of reasons to NOT work on your dreams, sorry to tell you this but 👉🏽 you’re being selfish, and irresponsible, my friend.

In this episode, I tell you the story of the smart mom with 10 children and 10 seeds to share.  This story explains why we (ALL) should work on our dreams, no matter what, no matter the conditions, no matter where we are in our respective lives. 

We are surrounded by other people's seeds, and not doing our part of the job is irresponsible and selfish. And I'm sure you'll agree with this once you listen to this.

This episode is a tough-love one, but you know I love you, so we should be fine! 😂


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Special Shoutout to @foodiemum707, thank you so much for your kind review on Apple Podcast. It is so rewarding. Merci! 🤗

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Xo, Kristiane.

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