The Inner Outer You

5 Strategies to Build a Career and Combine Your Passions (For Multipotentialites)

Kristiane Charrier Season 2 Episode 7

Don’t you agree that the biggest challenge for us, multipotentialites, multi-passionates, is to build a career that combines our multiple passions? I’m sure you can relate to this! 

ALL multi-passionates in the world face this challenge. 

We don’t want to focus on ONE thing or pick ONE passion as they often suggest, no matter what we try, it’s just impossible for us to choose only one passion. At the same time, it’s nearly impossible to find a job that encompasses all our passions. So, most of the time, when it comes to building a sustainable career, we multipotentialites are simply lost on that track! But we never give up trying, right?

In this episode, I’m sharing with you the 5 most common strategies I’ve seen multipotentialites use to build a career and combine their passions, and I'm sharing my winning strategy 😍

Tune in to listen, and don't forget to leave a review if you enjoyed this episode. It's the only way we know you do. 😉

PS: If you're interested in the workshop where I show you how to combine ALL your passions into ONE interconnected platform, go to 👇🏽

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