The Inner Outer You

Why Having a Signature Offer Is The Best Asset For Your Personal Brand

Kristiane Charrier Season 2 Episode 11

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Are you trying to build your personal brand with multiple small offers because you think it makes it easier for people to get access to your services or products? 

Or are you trying to build your personal brand with any similar offer to what you see on the marketplace?

Well, in any of these cases, you’re taking the hardest way to build your personal brand, because what you actually do is confusing your audience. 

When it comes to establishing your authority in your niche and build a memorable personal brand, one of the most efficient and smartest ways is to start with a signature offer. 

And in this episode, I’m telling you why!

Tune in to listen, and don't forget to leave a review if you enjoyed this episode. It's the only way we know you do. 😉

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About The Inner Outer Brand™ Incubator, You can DM me at
@kristianecharrier on Instagram to request your free copy of the blueprint.

PS: This will be available on my website by October 2021.


Connect with me:

Instagram: @kristianecharrier
Clubhouse: @krischarrier

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